How Does It Work?


We are custom-made transparent trays that cover only your tooth. We will provide you with a certain number of trays which has to be periodically changed as advised. Each tray will move your tooth closer to the final desired position.

Clear Aligners

Invisible Clear Aligners / Dental Teeth Clip Treatments in Coimbatore

Midline Teeth Spacing in Tamil Nadu

Midline Spacing

Midline spacing is a space or gap between the middle two teeth in front of the upper jaw.

About midline spacing
Overcrowded teeth correction in Tamil nadu

Overcrowded Teeth

Crowding happens when there isn't enough space in the jaws for all of your tooth to fit.

About crowded teeth
Deep Bite Teeth Correction in tamil nadu

Deep Bite Teeth

A deep bite occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively.

About deep bite
Crossbite teeth Correction In Tamil nadu

Crossbite Teeth

A crossbite is a tooth misalignment where upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth.

About crossbite
Openbite Teeth Correction Tamil nadu

Open Bite Teeth

Open bite occurs when your back tooth are closed & touch, but your front tooth aren't.

About openbite
Proclined Teeth Correction In Tamil Nadu

Proclined Teeth

Proclined teeth occur when the upper and lower tooth being inclined forward.

About procliened teeth?

Kristelle Klear Aligners

Everything You Should Know About Us


Kristelle Klear Aligners are a comfortable, removable, transparent, predictable, and successful way to straighten your teeth for a confident smile.

Crowded teeth Before Aligners Crowded teeth After Aligners

10 Years Experience


Our dental experts have access to us 24/7 to guarantee they have the resources they need to give you a smile

Our story


Our vision is to create beautiful smiles. We have more than 800 success stories to prove that.

Read our vision


Our mission was to bring this incredible technology of aligners more affordable to you. After

Read our mission


We guarantee that wearing invisible braces improves the appearance of your teeth and gives you a beautiful smile.

Why us

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Why You Choose Kristelle Klear Aligners ?

What we do ?

Kristelle Klear Aligners are sets of invisible trays that are placed over your teeth to straighten them. Metal brackets and wires are not used in this type of orthodontic treatment, making it different from traditional braces.

  • Clear & transparent Kristelle Klear Aligners are transparent trays made of special material
  • Gentle on gums Aligners use gentle and constant force to move the teeth
  • Removable You can remove them to eat, drink and brush your teeth
  • Faster Treatment Almost 40% faster result compared to the traditional fixed clip system.

Frequently Asking Question


Do you have any questions? We have solutions! Take a look below

  • How long does an average treatment take?

    Traditional braces with brackets and wires require 12-24 months of treatment for you, but Kristelle Klear Aligners can straighten your teeth in 2-12 months.

  • Do Kristelle Klear Aligners Really Work?

    You must be a patient who is willing to persist with treatment for Kristelle klear aligners to help you improve your bite and smile. Your trays must be in for at least twenty-two hours a day. After you finish your Kristelle klear aligners treatment, all of those hours will be well worth it.

  • Can Invisible Aligners/braces damage teeth?

    No, Kristelle Klear Aligners are soft and smooth to wear and does not cause any damage to the teeth.

  • At what age can you start wearing your aligner?

    It would be best if you waited until all of your child's permanent teeth have emerged before proceeding. What usually happens between the ages of twelve and thirteen, give or take a few years.

What Happy Customer Say About Us
